HEAVEN - 4-Track EP 7"

$8.00 - $9.00

HEAVEN - 4-Track EP
7” / Digital
Out June 28th 2024

Fuck! The new Heaven EP is a pummeling hardcore rager that has them spreading roots in slightly crustier soil this time out. With a slight shuffle in personnel and whole lotta time spent in the sweaty hell of Texas rehearsal bunkers, the band emerges with a grimy yet succinct spotlight on their distaste for the lives they’ve been forced to endure. When we asked why, they came back with pure venom: “The inspiration for this record is the hopelessness we often feel in our survival as the cogs in a vile and inhumane machine of capitalism. Our hatred for all systems that oppress is what unites us and gives us strength that fascists, racists, and all the other cowards in blue will never know.” Powerful words and powerful noise. Their best by far.

300 copies on black and 200 on orange 70gr vinyl housed in a 12pt reverse board glue pocket sleeve with poster insert included. Recorded and mixed by KC. Mastered by Sasha Stroud. Art by KC and George.

**every once in a while the shipping amounts will seem insane (usually for multiple record int’l orders or US orders with shirts and records together) but rest assured we check each and every order and will refund any differences.